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Version: SDK V3

Paying for Gas with ERC20 Tokens 🛢️💳

This guide focuses on using ERC20 tokens like USDC to cover gas fees, adding flexibility in handling transaction costs. For this tutorial you will need some Test USDC tokens (0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977).


Before starting, acquire test USDC tokens. Swap test Matic for USDC on Uniswap connected to the Polygon Mumbai network. Obtain test Matic from the polygon faucet. Make sure to swap for Polygon Mumbai USDC test tokens at this address: 0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977

User can pay in any ERC20 token of their choice. Please find the supported list of ERC20 tokens here.

🔄 Updated Imports for paying Gas with ERC20

Let's review the updated imports necessary for this functionality:

  • IHybridPaymaster, SponsorUserOperationDto, PaymasterFeeQuote from @biconomy/paymaster: These are additional interfaces to support complex paymaster operations. They play crucial roles in enabling ERC20 token payments for gas fees.
// Import necessary modules and configurations
import { config } from "dotenv"; // dotenv for loading environment variables
import { IBundler, Bundler } from "@biconomy/bundler"; // Biconomy bundler for gasless transactions
import {
} from "@biconomy/account"; // Smart account module
import { Wallet, ethers, providers } from "ethers"; // Ethereum blockchain interactions
import { ChainId } from "@biconomy/core-types"; // Supported blockchain chain IDs
import {
} from "@biconomy/paymaster"; // Paymaster interface for ERC20 gas payments
import {
} from "@biconomy/modules"; // Modules for ownership validation

Original Sponsored Paymaster Setup

Initially, the paymaster was set up for sponsored transactions:

let partialUserOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([transaction, transaction], {
paymasterServiceData: {
mode: PaymasterMode.SPONSORED,

New ERC20 Token Paymaster Setup

Replace the above code with the following to enable ERC20 token payments:

Initializing Paymaster for ERC20 Payments

// Constructing a UserOp with the transaction details
let partialUserOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([transaction]);

This step initiates the creation of a User Operation with our NFT transaction.

// Setting up the paymaster for ERC20 token payments
const biconomyPaymaster =
smartAccount.paymaster as IHybridPaymaster<SponsorUserOperationDto>;

The paymaster is configured to handle the logic of gas payments using ERC20 tokens.

Fetching ERC20 Fee Quotes

// Requesting fee quotes for USDC token gas payments
const feeQuotesResponse = await biconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterFeeQuotesOrData(
mode: PaymasterMode.ERC20,
tokenList: ["0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977"],

// Extracting the fee quotes and the paymaster address responsible for processing ERC20 token payments
const feeQuotes = feeQuotesResponse.feeQuotes as PaymasterFeeQuote[];
const spender = feeQuotesResponse.tokenPaymasterAddress || "";
const usdcFeeQuotes = feeQuotes[0];

This crucial step involves obtaining the necessary fee quotes for using USDC to pay for gas.

Updating UserOp for ERC20 Payments

// Updating UserOp with ERC20 fee quotes and paymaster address
partialUserOp = await smartAccount.buildTokenPaymasterUserOp(partialUserOp, {
feeQuote: usdcFeeQuotes,
maxApproval: false,

Here, the UserOp is modified to include details for ERC20 token payment, using USDC fee quotes.

Finalizing UserOp with Correct Gas Limits and Paymaster Service Data

After setting up the UserOp for ERC20 token payments, the next step involves finalizing it with appropriate gas limits:

// Configuring paymaster service data for ERC20 payments
let paymasterServiceData = {
mode: PaymasterMode.ERC20,
feeTokenAddress: usdcFeeQuotes.tokenAddress,
calculateGasLimits: true,

try {
// Requesting additional data from the paymaster, including gas limits
const paymasterAndDataWithLimits =
await biconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterAndData(

// Updating the partial UserOp with the returned paymaster and data
partialUserOp.paymasterAndData = paymasterAndDataWithLimits.paymasterAndData;

// If the calculateGasLimits flag is set to true, update the gas limits in the UserOp
if (
paymasterAndDataWithLimits.callGasLimit &&
paymasterAndDataWithLimits.verificationGasLimit &&
) {
// Updating the UserOp with the gas limits that the paymaster service has agreed to
partialUserOp.callGasLimit = paymasterAndDataWithLimits.callGasLimit;
partialUserOp.verificationGasLimit =
partialUserOp.preVerificationGas =
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error encountered: ", e);

After updating the mintNFT function to facilitate gas payments using ERC20 tokens (USDC), the final function should look like this:

Click here to view the updated mintNFT function
// Function to mint an NFT gaslessly
async function mintNFT() {
// Create and initialize the smart account
const smartAccount = await createSmartAccount();

// Retrieve the address of the initialized smart account
const address = await smartAccount.getAccountAddress();

// Define the interface for interacting with the NFT contract
const nftInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface([
"function safeMint(address _to)",

// Encode the data for the 'safeMint' function call with the smart account address
const data = nftInterface.encodeFunctionData("safeMint", [address]);

// Specify the address of the NFT contract
const nftAddress = "0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e";

// Define the transaction to be sent to the NFT contract
const transaction = {
to: nftAddress,
data: data,

// Constructing a UserOp with the transaction details
let partialUserOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([transaction]);

// Setting up the paymaster for ERC20 token payments
const biconomyPaymaster =
smartAccount.paymaster as IHybridPaymaster<SponsorUserOperationDto>;

// Requesting fee quotes for USDC token gas payments
const feeQuotesResponse = await biconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterFeeQuotesOrData(
mode: PaymasterMode.ERC20,
tokenList: ["0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977"],

// Extracting the fee quotes and the paymaster address responsible for processing ERC20 token payments
const feeQuotes = feeQuotesResponse.feeQuotes as PaymasterFeeQuote[];
const spender = feeQuotesResponse.tokenPaymasterAddress || "";
const usdcFeeQuotes = feeQuotes[0];

// Updating UserOp with ERC20 fee quotes and paymaster address
partialUserOp = await smartAccount.buildTokenPaymasterUserOp(partialUserOp, {
feeQuote: usdcFeeQuotes,
maxApproval: false,

// Configuring paymaster service data for ERC20 payments
let paymasterServiceData = {
mode: PaymasterMode.ERC20,
feeTokenAddress: usdcFeeQuotes.tokenAddress,
calculateGasLimits: true,

try {
// Requesting additional data from the paymaster, including gas limits
const paymasterAndDataWithLimits =
await biconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterAndData(

// Updating the partial UserOp with the returned paymaster and data
partialUserOp.paymasterAndData =

// If the calculateGasLimits flag is set to true, update the gas limits in the UserOp
if (
paymasterAndDataWithLimits.callGasLimit &&
paymasterAndDataWithLimits.verificationGasLimit &&
) {
// Updating the UserOp with the gas limits that the paymaster service has agreed to
partialUserOp.callGasLimit = paymasterAndDataWithLimits.callGasLimit;
partialUserOp.verificationGasLimit =
partialUserOp.preVerificationGas =
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error encountered: ", e);

// Try to execute the UserOp and handle any errors
try {
// Send the UserOp through the smart account
const userOpResponse = await smartAccount.sendUserOp(partialUserOp);

// Wait for the transaction to complete and retrieve details
const transactionDetails = await userOpResponse.wait();

// Log the transaction details URL and the URL to view minted NFTs
`Transaction Details:${transactionDetails.receipt.transactionHash}`,

console.log(`View Minted NFTs:${address}`);
} catch (e) {
// Log any errors encountered during the transaction
console.log("Error encountered: ", e);

This final step integrates the paymaster service data into the UserOp, ensuring the transaction uses USDC for gas payments.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly transition from native token gas payments to ERC20 tokens, offering users more flexibility in managing their blockchain transactions.

Congratulations you can now execute ERC20 gas payment transactions utilizing the Biconomy SDK! Now let's take things Multi chain!

📝 Click to view the complete code
// Import necessary modules and configurations
import { config } from "dotenv"; // dotenv for loading environment variables from a .env file
import { IBundler, Bundler } from "@biconomy/bundler"; // Biconomy bundler for managing gasless transactions
import {
} from "@biconomy/account"; // Default entry point and smart account module from Biconomy
import { Wallet, ethers, providers } from "ethers"; // ethers for interacting with the Ethereum blockchain
import { ChainId } from "@biconomy/core-types"; // Chain IDs for different blockchains supported by Biconomy
import {
} from "@biconomy/paymaster"; // Paymaster interface and Biconomy implementation
import {
} from "@biconomy/modules"; // Modules for ownership validation

config(); // Load environment variables from .env file
// Set up the Ethereum provider and wallet
const provider = new providers.JsonRpcProvider(
"", // JSON-RPC provider URL for the Polygon Mumbai test network
const wallet = new Wallet(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY || "", provider); // Creating a wallet instance with a private key from environment variables

// Configure the Biconomy Bundler
const bundler: IBundler = new Bundler({
"", // URL to the Biconomy bundler service
chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI, // Chain ID for Polygon Mumbai test network
entryPointAddress: DEFAULT_ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS, // Default entry point address for the bundler

// Configure the Paymaster
const paymaster: IPaymaster = new BiconomyPaymaster({
"", // URL to the Biconomy paymaster service

// Function to create a module for ownership validation
async function createModule() {
return await ECDSAOwnershipValidationModule.create({
signer: wallet, // The wallet acting as the signer
moduleAddress: DEFAULT_ECDSA_OWNERSHIP_MODULE, // Address of the default ECDSA ownership validation module

// Function to create a Biconomy Smart Account
async function createSmartAccount() {
const module = await createModule(); // Create the validation module

let smartAccount = await BiconomySmartAccountV2.create({
chainId: ChainId.POLYGON_MUMBAI, // Chain ID for the Polygon Mumbai network
bundler: bundler, // The configured bundler instance
paymaster: paymaster, // The configured paymaster instance
entryPointAddress: DEFAULT_ENTRYPOINT_ADDRESS, // Default entry point address
defaultValidationModule: module, // The default validation module
activeValidationModule: module, // The active validation module
"Smart Account Address: ",
await smartAccount.getAccountAddress(), // Logging the address of the created smart account
return smartAccount;

// Function to mint an NFT gaslessly
async function mintNFT() {
const smartAccount = await createSmartAccount();
const address = await smartAccount.getAccountAddress();
const nftInterface = new ethers.utils.Interface([
"function safeMint(address _to)",

const data = nftInterface.encodeFunctionData("safeMint", [address]);
const nftAddress = "0x1758f42Af7026fBbB559Dc60EcE0De3ef81f665e";

const transaction = {
to: nftAddress,
data: data,

// Building a UserOp with the transaction details
let partialUserOp = await smartAccount.buildUserOp([transaction]);

// Initializing the paymaster for ERC20 token payments
const biconomyPaymaster =
smartAccount.paymaster as IHybridPaymaster<SponsorUserOperationDto>;

// Requesting fee quotes for paying gas fees in ERC20 tokens (USDC)
const feeQuotesResponse = await biconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterFeeQuotesOrData(
mode: PaymasterMode.ERC20,
tokenList: ["0xda5289fcaaf71d52a80a254da614a192b693e977"],

// Extracting the fee quotes and the paymaster address for ERC20 token payments
const feeQuotes = feeQuotesResponse.feeQuotes as PaymasterFeeQuote[];
const spender = feeQuotesResponse.tokenPaymasterAddress || "";
const usdcFeeQuotes = feeQuotes[0];

// Rebuilding the UserOp for ERC20 token payment
partialUserOp = await smartAccount.buildTokenPaymasterUserOp(partialUserOp, {
feeQuote: usdcFeeQuotes,
maxApproval: false,

// Setting up paymaster service data for ERC20 payments
let paymasterServiceData = {
mode: PaymasterMode.ERC20,
feeTokenAddress: usdcFeeQuotes.tokenAddress,
calculateGasLimits: true,

try {
// Requesting additional data from the paymaster, including gas limits
const paymasterAndDataWithLimits =
await biconomyPaymaster.getPaymasterAndData(

// Updating the partial UserOp with the returned paymaster and data
partialUserOp.paymasterAndData =

// If the calculateGasLimits flag is set to true, update the gas limits in the UserOp
if (
paymasterAndDataWithLimits.callGasLimit &&
paymasterAndDataWithLimits.verificationGasLimit &&
) {
// Updating the UserOp with the gas limits that the paymaster service has agreed to
partialUserOp.callGasLimit = paymasterAndDataWithLimits.callGasLimit;
partialUserOp.verificationGasLimit =
partialUserOp.preVerificationGas =
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error encountered: ", e);

// Execute the UserOp
try {
const userOpResponse = await smartAccount.sendUserOp(partialUserOp);
const transactionDetails = await userOpResponse.wait();
`Transaction details:${transactionDetails.receipt.transactionHash}`,
console.log(`View minted NFTs:${address}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log("Error encountered: ", e);
