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Version: SDK V4 (latest)

Create Session Router

If you wish to know more about Batched Session Validation Module go here.


One crucial aspect to grasp about the session module is its limitation on sending batches of various user operations. Specifically, it does not support sending multiple ERC20 Transfers with different recipients within the same batch, nor does it allow combining an ERC20 transfer with an NFT Mint operation. To overcome this constraint, we rely on the Batched Session Router Module.


Let's add a few more imports.

import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
import { BiconomySmartAccountV2, createSmartAccountClient, SessionKeyManagerModule, DEFAULT_SESSION_KEY_MANAGER_MODULE, createSessionKeyManagerModule, createBatchedSessionRouterModule, DEFAULT_BATCHED_SESSION_ROUTER_MODULE } from "@biconomy/account"
import { defaultAbiCoder } from "ethers/lib/utils";
import { toast, ToastContainer } from 'react-toastify';
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';

We added createBatchedSessionRouterModule and DEFAULT_BATCHED_SESSION_ROUTER_MODULE.

Add one more useState for batched sesion module.

Check if both Session Validation and Batched Session Validation modules are enabled.

const [isSessionKeyModuleEnabled, setIsSessionKeyModuleEnabled] = useState(false);
const [isSessionActive, setIsSessionActive] = useState(false);
const [isBRMenabled, setIsBRMenabled] = useState(false);

Now we also track if batched session module is enabled or not.

Your useEffect should now look like this:

useEffect(() => {
let checkSessionModuleEnabled = async () => {
if(!address || !smartAccount || !provider) {
try {
const isEnabled = await smartAccount.isModuleEnabled(DEFAULT_SESSION_KEY_MANAGER_MODULE)
console.log("isSessionKeyModuleEnabled", isEnabled);
} catch(err: any) {
try {
const isEnabled = await smartAccount.isModuleEnabled(DEFAULT_BATCHED_SESSION_ROUTER_MODULE)
console.log("isSessionKeyRouterModuleEnabled", isEnabled);
} catch(err: any) {
},[isSessionKeyModuleEnabled, isBRMenabled, address, smartAccount, provider])

This will check if a session module AND a batched session module is enabled - it will return if we do not have an address, smart Account, or provider and will then enable the module for our smartAccount if needed.

Create and add the Batched Session Module

Inside our createSession function we will add a few extra lines of code to create and enable the Batched Session Router module

const createSession = async (enableSessionKeyModule: boolean) => {'Creating Session...', {
position: "top-right",
autoClose: 15000,
hideProgressBar: false,
closeOnClick: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
draggable: true,
progress: undefined,
theme: "dark",
if (!address || !smartAccount || !provider) {
alert("Please connect wallet first")
try {
// module that allows only ERC20 Transfer
const erc20ModuleAddr = "0x000000D50C68705bd6897B2d17c7de32FB519fDA"
// module used just for testing, allows executing any operation not just ERC20 transfers
const mockSessionModuleAddr = "0x7Ba4a7338D7A90dfA465cF975Cc6691812C3772E";
// -----> setMerkle tree tx flow
// create dapp side session key
const sessionSigner = ethers.Wallet.createRandom();
const sessionKeyEOA = await sessionSigner.getAddress();
console.log("sessionKeyEOA", sessionKeyEOA);
// BREWARE JUST FOR DEMO: update local storage with session key
window.localStorage.setItem("sessionPKey", sessionSigner.privateKey);

// generate sessionModule
const sessionModule = await createSessionKeyManagerModule({
smartAccountAddress: address,

// genereate batched session
const sessionRouterModule = await createBatchedSessionRouterModule({
sessionKeyManagerModule: sessionModule,
smartAccountAddress: address,

// create session key data
const sessionKeyData = defaultAbiCoder.encode(
["address", "address", "address", "uint256"],
"0xdA5289fCAAF71d52a80A254da614a192b693e977", // erc20 token address
"0x322Af0da66D00be980C7aa006377FCaaEee3BDFD", // receiver address
ethers.utils.parseUnits("50".toString(), 6).toHexString(), // 50 usdc amount

// create batched session data
// This data will allow us to execute any operation on mockSessionModule as long as it comes from sessionKeyEOA
const sessionKeyData2 = defaultAbiCoder.encode(

const sessionTxData = await sessionModule.createSessionData([
validUntil: 0,
validAfter: 0,
sessionValidationModule: erc20ModuleAddr,
sessionPublicKey: sessionKeyEOA as Hex,,
sessionKeyData: sessionKeyData as Hex,,
// Include the second session data which will be used on the batched session router
validUntil: 0,
validAfter: 0,
sessionValidationModule: mockSessionModuleAddr,
sessionPublicKey: sessionKeyEOA as Hex,
sessionKeyData: sessionKeyData2 as Hex,

// tx to set session key
const setSessiontrx = {
to: DEFAULT_SESSION_KEY_MANAGER_MODULE, // session manager module address

const transactionArray = [];

if (enableSessionKeyModule) {
// -----> enableModule session manager module
const enableModuleTrx = await smartAccount.getEnableModuleData(

if (!isBRMenabled) {
// -----> enableModule batched session router module
const enableModuleTrx = await biconomySmartAccount.getEnableModuleData(


let userOpResponse = await smartAccount.sendTransaction(transactionArray);

console.log(`userOp Hash: ${userOpResponse.userOpHash}`);
const transactionDetails = await userOpResponse.wait();
console.log("txHash", transactionDetails.receipt.transactionHash);
toast.success(`Success! Session created succesfully`, {
position: "top-right",
autoClose: 18000,
hideProgressBar: false,
closeOnClick: true,
pauseOnHover: true,
draggable: true,
progress: undefined,
theme: "dark",
} catch(err: any) {

Mock Session Module

The mockSessionModule referenced in the code snippet above is a testing module used to demonstrate session functionality. It allows executing any operation, not just ERC20 transfers, facilitating thorough testing scenarios. However, it's essential to emphasize that this module should only be utilized during development and testing phases.

Usage of Mock Session Module

During development and testing, developers can use the mockSessionModule to simulate various transaction scenarios and ensure the robustness of their applications. By leveraging this module, developers can explore a wide range of functionalities without constraints, aiding in the debugging and refinement of their smart contract interactions.

Production Considerations

In a production environment, it's imperative to build and deploy custom session modules tailored to the specific requirements of the application. Custom modules provide greater control and security over transaction validation and execution, ensuring adherence to business logic and regulatory compliance.

By creating session modules, developers can optimize performance, enhance security, and meet the unique demands of their decentralized applications (dApps) effectively. Therefore, while the mock session module facilitates testing and experimentation, it should be replaced with custom-built modules before deploying applications to production environments